We made it back, and it was a hell of a time. Forcast was for rain, so we thought, "Hey, maybe a lot of people won't show up..." Man were we wrong! We got to Three Floyds around 10:15AM, and found two lines that had to hold well over 5000 people.
So rather than waiting in line, we decided to walk to the front and see what else was going on. We found a guest beer trailer which held Dogfish, Surly, Founders, and many other great breweries.
From the list, were were able to try four new beers. Tea Bagged Furious, Sticky Stout, Kentucky Breakfast Stout, and HeadHunter.
Then we got in line, and a few hours later, we ended up with our Cases of Dark Lord. 2009 and 2010 were available for purchase, so both were acquired. As they day went on, we met up with from friends, and were able to try even more beers. To go along with an Oak Aged Dark Lord, and a group of Three Floyds Beers:

Alpha Klaus
Robert the Bruce
Samurai Gazebo
Alpha King
This guy and some friends were nice enough to share beers that they were able to bring with them. This is where things got a little dicey trying to remember everything, but there was an Enigma, Barrel Aged Yeti,
a 2006 Barley Wine, something hand carried from Belgium, and a growler of Exit 16. Possibly a few more, but I can't remember everything.
Ended up being a pretty amazing weekend, and we were able to get a few nice bottles back home. We'll break those out when we see all of you! See you Thursday!