Saturday, July 28, 2012

Beer Thursdays 24, Night 1... A Long Weekend..

Ok, so I suck and this, and there hasn't been an update in like a year.. But tonight was EPIC! Ticks galore! And we drank some energy drink, so I'm not tired..

Phygian Saison
Dark Horse 2010 Plead the 5th
Black Radish
Hardtime Barley Wine
Old Hickory Peabody's
Outer Banks Oak Sour
Foothills Peoples Porter
Abiator Hogwild IPA
Hickory Stick Stout
BA Triel Over Head
Jailhosue Smokey
Sierra/RR Brux
Evo Spring 2012
Firestone Walker Wookey Jack
Sex Viking
Diving Retribution
Bruery Chocolate Rain

Yeah.. So. Yeah.. Good night.


  1. Next time you have a get together hit me up. I have a lot of bottles to share as well bro! Dave Lucas 3026702059
